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- 9339


The 9339 Series Compensated Density logging tool uses the two focused density detectors to compute borehole compensated density real time while logging. No post processing required to produce CDL bulk density.   The Photo Electric density has been added to further define lithology from shale, sand, limestone and dolomite.  Additionally, the tool also records natural gamma, caliper, and focused guard resistivity.


Fully downhole digital
Quick automatic setup, unique tool identification
Designed for one-man operation
Can be customized to your specific needs


Properties Measured:

  1. Natural Gamma: 2.2 x 10.16 cm (0.875 x4.0 in.)
    NAI Scintillation Offset: 21 cm (8.25 in.)

  2. 3-Element Guard Resistivity: 127.6 mm (50.25 in.)
    guard electrode Offset: 63.5 cm (25 in.)

  3. Caliper: Motorized, uphole actuated 35.6 cm (14 in.)
    or 20.3 cm (8 in.) Offset: 210.8 cm (83 in.) 

  4. Far Density: 2.2 x 10.16 cm (0.875 x4.0 in.)
    35.8 cm (14.1 in.) spacing
    Offset: 243.3 cm (95.8 in.)

  5. Near Density and  Photo Electric: 2.2 x 3.2 cm (0.875 x1.25 in.)
    20 cm (7.9 in.) spacing Offset: 259.3 cm (102.1 in.)

  6. Radioactive source: 100-300 mCi Cesium 137 in bullplug
    Offset: 274.3 cm (108.0 in.) 


Length: 280.3 cm (110.35 in.)

Temperature: 85C (185F)

Diameter: 56 mm (2.2 in.)

Pressure: 175 kg/cm2 (2500 PSI)

Weight: 32.7 kg (72 lb.)

Logging Speed: 9 m/min. (30 ft./min.)

Tool Voltage Required: 66 VDC 

Tool #:9339

Part #:320850

9339 Product Description

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